assignment of central and local taxes;tax assignment system 分税制
boundary-defining taxon 界线定义
cultivar taxon 品种分类
new taxon 新群; 新阶元
taxon 分类阶元; 分类单元; 分类群; 分类; 分类单位; 植物类群; 区分; 类别
taxon range zone 化石分类延限带
taxon system 分类系统
monophyletic taxon 单源分类群
tribal taxon 族级单元
of taxon 生物分类群
13C-NMR assignment 13C NMR指认
1H resonance assignment 谱线归属
2D assignment 二维分配
2-D assignment 二维分配
Abnormal layer assignment 重布线
absent assignment 缺省指派
absent assignment problem 缺省指派问题
absent assignment problem of least cost subjecting 最短时限最少耗费缺省指派问题; 筷子节
absent assignment problem of the shortest time lim 最少耗费最短时限缺省指派问题
absolute assignment 无条件转让